The willpower to attain success can turn the world upside down. The latest example is of Minneapolis-St. Paul, the top ranking healthy living city in US. This is a remarkable achievement, and it’s not a mere one or two, it’s a complete city effort. Fitness index are of the opinion that residents have made it possible with increased exercises and less smoking, compared to other US cities.
This secret was evaluated by the American College of Sports medicine (ACSM) wherein, every year they make an attempt by ranking 50 healthiest and fittest metropolitan cities within US. This survey is carried out on the basis of American Fitness Index (AFI). Anti-smoking approach contributes a big way in grabbing the seats by Twin cities overcoming Washington DC, in the 2011. However, the high scores of cities are also majorly impacted by the rates of people suffering from chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, asthma, obesity etc.
When Minneapolis-St. Paul is concerned, the area of the city in more accumulated by parks and gardens, which was a major element benefitting the city to speed up the scores. In the past years, majority of the market share was accumulated by farmers. This trend have shifted people’s attitude towards healthy living with a positive approach or involving in organics. However, cities like Tenn., Oklahoma, Louisville, Memphis and Ken. ranked amongst the lowest. However, when it is area oriented, every city has is strengths and weaknesses that would contribute a major share in getting or diminishing the numbers.