13 June 2011

War of words between you and your partner?

If you and your partner are having a war of words more often, you surely need to understand the reason behind it then just blaming each other. The fight might just get big if both of you are not taking the initiative to get it repaired. It is obvious that one cannot allow the relationship to go for a toss as it is the most significant part of our life. However most of us just take it for granted and later regret when it is beyond help.

There are a few reasons assessed by researchers that erupts frictions in a relationship in most cases. The most crucial factor that makes a couple is their compatibly. The immature and blind love when we are young however oversees all this. Later, the issue of incompatibility stems up. Compromising is the key here.  Also one tends to take the relationship for granted. Small efforts are not appreciated.  Blaming each other for every small mistake can only create ripples.

This is why one is asked to handle relationship with care. Otherwise even small disputes can end up in dangerous words like “Divorce”.

A stitch in time saves nine”, isn’t it? This is the reason why couples should take immediate initiatives to bridge their disputes. Otherwise one may just end up ruining it.

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